Welcome to OurDailyTread.com.
First of all, you need to know that we are not professional journalists. We are however a group of car enthusiasts as well as regular car owners. This is what makes our views and information more realistic to your specific needs as a daily driver.
We want to present informative and sometimes humorous looks at vehicles that you may use in your daily activities. Sure, there is no shortage of new car reviews both online and in the print media. We will do that too. But we want to go deeper into a look at a vehicle. Why? Because you will live with a car longer than just a couple of days.
There are some things you won’t learn about a car until you’ve driven it over a long period of time. A regular car test review won’t reveal this. We want to use YOUR experiences as well as our experiences with your vehicle. So though we love testing new models for your consideration, don’t be surprised if we review a model that’s 10 years old!
In order to do this we will utilize the “crowd” in gathering your experiences to balance or supplement our information as well as the manufacturer’s data. We think this will allow you to know your vehicle an it’s ability to perform or not based on the crowd’s experiences.
Like most anything else, we’re a lot stronger when we work together. So we want your input and comments on any particular vehicle and information that you think can help us draw a complete picture of a car, brand, industry, etc. Since a lot of the content we will present here is from user experiences, we will link you to the original post which will also lead you to even more valuable information beyond the planned scope of this site. So again, we want this to allow you to learn, share, and enjoy your daily driver.
Please pull up a chair and enjoy what we have to present. We’re just getting started here so expect some new and exciting changes as we evolve into something we all can benefit from. We’re planning on being a “value-added” resource for your everyday transportation activities. Be it a necessity or just for recreation; we’re here to help.
Stay tuned…